Saturday 19 January 2013

Fantastical Propaganda


Jesus I should be more consistent with this thing. Anywho, thought I'd post some of my own project works here. I may have mentioned this project in previous posts, in fact I'm certain I did. Its a fantasy world that platued during the Edwardian era, roughly WW1 ish.

Having some fun doing some propaganda posters. The primary conflict is Humans vs Vampires, which is made up of Necromancers, Werewolves, Zombies and Vamps. Kind of like If Dracula (as in Bram Stokers book version) had decided to raise up a mighty army and wage war on England instead of going over there with nothing but a box of dirt.

So Along with with the Vampires, Werewolves and other nasties, the humans have a variety of typical fantasy cliche's at their disposal. Most notably, Wizards. Wizards are a tricky business, I was quite fond of Trudi Canavan's magicians guild series but was always terribly dissapointed with their unbalanced nature in regards to non-magic casting people in the world. The final battle where (spoilers) 4-5 Wizards from the foriegn lands come and basically  wage war with an entire country was just absurd. There has to be some level of balance. For me, Magic is the eqquivalant of Science. Religion holds the  reigns of mysticism and the unexplained, magic is what these people use to understand the universe. To the point that, they may even be more advanced than we are. I picture Wizards as beeing as far ranging in their abilities as Physicists. There are some who push the boundarys of what we imagine possible for the laws of our universe and others who can understand, but cannot advance. Imagine if Steven Hawking could not only understand the forces that govern our universe, but also physically see them and with enough understanding, manipulate them to his will. What a baddass he would be.


Thursday 2 August 2012

Job Woes and Art Blows

Well just had a majorly shitty week. Missed my driving test because I'd lost my photo license some time on the weekend (one that I have had for 10 years) and missed out on a really cool Job which I had been secretly holding out on. All in all pretty terrible few days! But your not here to here me whine! Commence with the regurgitated star wars art!

Still one of my favorites. Probably because it can pass for generic Sci-fi and not just star wars fan art.
Emnon the Bounty hunter this was, a freind of mine from the guild that I have been absent from while I (get this!) find a job.

It was done after I did a group picture of the guild, almost 14 characters if I remeber corectly, below is a sample of it. I dont feel like posting the big version just yet.

Looks like I'm not going to be posting anythign new for a while, this keeps my mind occupied at the very least.

~Seithe out.

Monday 23 July 2012

Stil nothing new...

Still dont have anything new to show. Feeling a little vulnerable right now, vulnerable and hung over. Managed to lose my phone out in Derby, get seperated from my freinds and had to make my own way back to a mates house. For some reason this adventure took me 5 hours, with my freinds searching for me in the centre of town.

Heres another old peice i am still quite fond of. I found the original lencil drawing as well, which I scanned in and then lined in photoshop. I miss my tablet!
Looking at a Warden/Ranger apprenticeship in Derby, so fingers crossed on that front. I think once a get a job sorted out I'll start drawing again. Ironically I have loads of time to draw but I just cant motivate myself. Still reading a Song of Ice and Fire, about 100 pages into Dance with Dragons.

I'll continue updating with Star Wars stuff untill I can do something new. I need someone to work with really. I'm little more than a pencil monkey these days, without someone to tell me what to draw its a huge effort for me to think of something to do.

Here is a little banner I did for a TORWars featurette I did ( Linky! ) Just to show I do have a sense of humour...not much, but it's in there somewhere.

Saturday 14 July 2012

3 Mock comic pages

Here are the 3 comic pages that I did for the Hands of Darkness, I'm on hiatus from them at the moment while I sort a few things out in my life. Job, Car, House, ect.

Its called the Tales of Darkness and follws a fairly ordinary Sith Acolyte and her discovering of the Hands of Darkness. One of my biggest problems is I never complete anything! I doubt this will ever be finished as a full comic. But thems the breaks, I'm quite pleased with them really, they were more experiments than anything. Toying with the idea of a black and white comic I guess, messing about with a toneal photoshop technique in the last panel.

I saw a penny arcade comic which led me to beleive that the new series of Avatar is out. The Legend of Korra I beleive, as I am a pretty big nerdahol when it comes to kids cartoons I really enjoyed watching the Legend of Aang. I'm actually pretty stoked about watching the new series, though I may have to wait untill it comes out on DVD.

A feast of crows is turning out to be as excellent as the other books in a Song of Ice and Fire, starting reading it yesterday and only a few pages in (well 183!).

Trying to think of what I can actually do for my own little fantasy project. Maybe just a few character concepts to start. Keep your eyes peeled!

Friday 13 July 2012

A little update from the past years drawing of star wars related absurdities. I need to try and get into drawing something new.

There are a few projects I'd love to work on. A fantasy story that I have been working on for a long long time with a freind of mine. The basic premise is, if The Lord of the Rings had reached it technological plateu during the late medieval period (in relation to our own history) then our world will have plateud during world war 1.

It would have all your a-typical fantasy ridiculousness, but grounded in the gritty reality of a world at war. I'll try and do some work on it over the next couple of days when I get some free time. Alot of my hours are taken up (since leaving college) either looking for a job or reading a Song of Ice and Fire. Got onto it from the HBO Game of thrones and I've been blasting through the books, very addictive. Wiki isnt healping though, I cant resist occasionally skipping forward to see what become sof my favorite characters, sometimes with disasterous implications. *Cough*Lord Tywin Lanister*Cough*
I've got a few sample comic pages I did with the SWTOR guild the Hands of Darkness, just to see if I could still do it. They turned out ok, so I might polish them up and post them here at some point.


Thursday 15 September 2011

First post wonders

 So this is my first time blogging on this blog, thing. I've been drawing for quite a few years, but I'm just trying to format thing in a way that might help encourage me to post more and hopefully draw more.

This work-in-progress picture is for a guild mate of mine, Prax. He's rerolling to a new character so I thought I should commemorate the occasion with a picture

I usually start off with a very rough scribble like this, then tighten up the lines using a much softer pencil, scan in then clean the lines up by adjusting levels. Colouring on photoshop. Once I get the hang of posting stuff on here I'll try and add more.

His original character is below. I gotta say, I like the hair and big arsed gun better.Plus look at all those shiney lights!

Xavier Prax's original character, done as part of a much larger image.

Here's it finished, or at least as finished as I can be bothered to make it at this time :p.